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Birds & Beans Coffee is 100% Organic, 100% Fair Trade, and 100% Bird Friendly... the best choice for birds! Our Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC) “Bird Friendly”® coffee is not just any shade-grown coffee. Over twelve years of research and field inspections by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center are behind the SMBC certification and this means “Bird Friendly”® is the gold standard. SMBC certified farms support great biodiversity, they are organic and cultivated in large part by families and Co-ops. Coffees sold with SMBC certification must use only 100% certified beans (other shade grown coffee may have little as 30% shade grown beans).

Bird-Friendly Seal SMBC farms must meet stringent criteria for rich and structurally complex habitat. Other shade grown coffee may be from plantations with a single species of shade tree, heavily pruned and not supporting much more biodiversity than sun grown plantations. The science is very strong on this point; SMBC certification is the best for birds. So coffee drinkers and bird lovers who want to make the biggest difference buy SMBC coffee. ”Be Certain. Buy Certified.”®

American Redstart: Light Roast
"Our American Redstart, Light Roast is full-bodied with a mellow acidity. This Bird Friendly® blend is smooth with heavy notes of cocoa, walnuts and reminiscent of red apples."

This shade-grown coffee is of single origin from the farmers Asociación Civil Guaya'b in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala.


Wood Thrush: Medium Roast
"Our Wood Thrush, Breakfast Roast is our medium roast and the best way to start your day! This Bird Friendly® blend has a mild sweet flavor, light body, and fragrant floral aroma with a note of creamy milk chocolate."

This shade-grown coffee is of single origin from family farms in Peru. 

Chestnut-Sided Warbler: Medium Dark Roast
"Our Chestnut-sided Warbler, Medium-Dark Roast is full-bodied and balanced. This Bird Friendly® blend has notes of roasted almond, dark chocolate, and earthiness."

This shade-grown coffee is from the family farm UCA San Juan del Rio Coco.


Scarlet Tanager: Dark Roast
"Our Scarlet Tanager, Dark Roast is bold, smooth, and our most popular roast. This Bird Friendly® blend has a smooth creamy mouthfeel with the savory sweetness of chocolate."

This shade-grown coffee is from the family farm UCA San Juan del Rio Coco. 


Kingbird: Espresso Roast
"Our Kingbird, Espresso is balanced and sweet with a good body. This Bird Friendly® blend has a dominant Mandarin orange aroma with nutty sweet toffee, clean and smooth in the cup."

This shade-grown coffee is from the family farm UCA San Juan del Rio Coco and the farmers Asociación Civil Guaya'b in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. 

Baltimore Oriole: Decaf Dark Roast
"Our customers tell us that our decaf is the best and our Baltimore Oriole, Decaf Dark Roast is made using water process decaffeination. This Bird Friendly® blend is dark, bold, and smooth with a pleasing mouthfeel and after taste."

This shade-grown coffee is of single origin from family farms in Honduras. 


Click here to browse our selection of both whole and ground bean options!